A kidney stone is a lump that can vary from the size of as small as a.
grain of sand to as large as a golf ball. Recently kidney stones have become.
more popular. 7 to 21 people out of every 10,000 have a kidney stone.
attack each year. 80% of kidney stones are amongst males the other 20%.
of course is females. .
Causes of kidney stones varies. You can get it from genetics, too.
much calcium or other mineral in your diet, intake of excess uric acid.
through vitamins, diet of fruits and vegetables, long term dehydration,.
urinary infection, climates where excessive sweating causes loss of fluids,.
or just living a non-active lifestyle. The most common way is the urine.
getting out of it's tracts and forming crystals.
Symptoms of kidney stones are in your kidney. They consist of pain in.
your groin, frequent urge to urinate, pain during urination (burning), severe.
pain in your body, fevers, nausea, vomiting, blood in your urine, and.
difficulty while urinating. If these symptoms occur person should consult a.
doctor immediately because a kidney stone may be present. .
Commonly people's calcium intake has allot to do with getting a.
kidney stone. High calcium in someone's urine can be from to much salt.
Salt causes excretion of large amounts of calcium and this increases.
calcium in urine. If a person drinks more water it will reduce the relative.
concentration of calcium in urine. This will make it harder for crystals to.
form which makes it more difficult for kidney stones to form.
Since calcium is the big problem with kidney stones what you eat has.
much affect on whether you get a kidney stone. People who are prone to.
get kidney stones should cut back food with oxalate. Here is a list of foods.
that have allot of calcium oxalate; apples, asparagus, beer, beets, berries,.
black pepper, broccoli and cheese, chocolate, coffee, cola drinks, collards,.
figs and grapes, ice cream, milk, oranges, parsley, peanut butter,.
pineapples and spinach, Swiss chard, rhubarb, tea, turnips, vitamin c, and.
Another problem that many Americans have with their kidneys" are kidney stones. ... Therefore, some people form kidney stones. ... A person whose family has a history of kidney stones may be more susceptible to develop a kidney stone. ... The first symptom of a kidney stone is severe pain. ... There are several types of treatments for kidney stones. ...
Other diseases include infections, kidney stones, inherited diseases, overuse of painkillers, and taking illegal drugs. Kidney disease has no symptoms. ... Poor kidney function can also lead to anemia, weaker bones, a greater risk of general infection, and kidney stones. Kidney Stones occur when there is so much calcium oxylate compound or uric acid in the urine that it forms crystals. ... Known causal factors are a western-style diet and too little urine to dilute stone ingredients. ...
Kidney stone is a fairly common condition that affects the kidney. ... So, kidney stones can be defined as a medical condition where a solid piece of material forms in the kidney resulting from constituents of the urine (National Library of medicine).Another name for kidney stones is nephrolithiasis. ... The causes of kidney stones is majorly therefore dehydration. ... Incident with kidney stones: I have been able to witness a patient suffer from kidney stones before. ... Amal was 49 when the doctor found out that she had a stone in her left kidney. ...
(National Kidney) Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) can be defined as, "a genetic disorder characterized by the growth of numerous cysts filled with fluid in the kidneys." (Urology Disorders) The cysts on the kidneys slowly begin to replace much of the kidneys mass; it is possible for a cyst filled kidney to weigh a possible 22 pounds. This impairs the Kidneys ability to function properly and causes kidney failure. (National Kidney) "PKD is the fourth leading cause to kidney failure."... (National Kidney) Other symptoms that sometimes occur consist of urinary tract infections, kidney stone...
The excess protein in this diet tends to cause extreme stress to kidneys because of the extra amount of work they are now needing to do. Kidneys are likely to become exhausted and shut down due to extra work they are now having to do. When kidneys start to shut down the excess protein builds up in urine and now you can face kidney stones too. ... Now you are losing function of kidneys, possibly have kidney stones, and dehydrated. ...
When creatine isn't present in the diet it can easily be produced from the liver and kidneys. ... Long term effects of this have not been investigated, but there is a possibility for a variety of kidney damaging events. There is potential for direct toxicity on renal tubules where urine is formed, and for acceleration of kidney stone formation. ...
The pun, "I'm going down to the kidney's to check out the stones'means the kidneys are a place where the stones are playing, who is the band, Kidney Rock. ... That is where the kidney stones would be in Frank's body. ... The excess calcium causes the kidney stones. ...