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Just Say Yes

There may be dangers to drug use, but there are also dangers in using alcohol and tobacco. By reasonable standards, marijuana is a mild drug compared to other legal ones, such as alcohol and cigarettes. Consumption of alcohol can cause deterioration to the liver as well as dependency on the drug. The nicotine found in cigarettes is also addictive, and smoking cigarettes cause lung cancer. The only major effects of marijuana are some memory loss, damage to the lungs from the smoke, and possible physical addiction. Experts who have kept track of medical data report that marijuana is rarely mentioned in death reports. As far as overdosing, there is no scientifically valid evidence of anyone dying of an overdose of marijuana smoke (Marshall 82). Making drugs illegal has imprisoned people for actions that do no directly harm others, as opposed to most crimes. Criminalizing drug use fails to reduce it. One third of those over the age of twelve have used marijuana (Nadelmann 1). Not only does making drugs illegal infringe on peoples rights and freedom to choose, it also creates a black market as well as drug-related crimes.
             Illegal drugs have resulted in a "war on drugs" that can only be won by making them legal. Drugs have been the cause of many deaths in the United Sates. About 25,000 Americans die each year as an indirect effect of drugs. A large part of New York City's 2,000 annual homicides are because of drug trafficking (Bender 30). The consequences of this "war" are as followed: neighborhood turf wars and shoot-outs, family ruins, school failure and wreckage, crack babies, kids dealing drugs, addicts felled by AIDS, cops corrupted, courts and prisons over crowded, and homicides due to drug dealing (Bender 31). The list goes on. All of these could be avoided if drugs were legalized, and the black market would vanish not too long after. Prohibiting anything has always led to a black market, such as when alcohol was made illegal (Ostrowski 2).

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