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John Grisham

             Grisham is extremely religious, so much in fact, that out of all that he has accomplished the most important day of his life is when he was eight years old and accepted Christ (Ferranti 2). Since Grisham is religious his morals were tested a lot as a lawyer. The first case he ever tried he won. The client he was defending claimed "self defense" after shooting his wife's lover six times in the head at point blank range. Grisham was rather uncomfortable with the victory because the dead man pulled a .22 pistol shot one round that bounced off the man's chest. His law practice was hurt because he would not accept some cases because of his religion. He also found himself doing a lot of pro bono work, work for free, for churches that were in financial trouble (Ferranti 2). Grisham started out practicing criminal law, and then he switched to civil law and won one of the biggest settlements ever in Desoto County. The case he tried was about a little boy who suffered burns over 92 percent of his body from a water heater accident (Pringle 2). .
             Grisham's first project in writing was inspired by a case that he could not stop obsessing about. The case was about a twelve year old girl who got raped and was left for dead, and Grisham started wondering what would happen if the father killed the rapist (Pringle 2). Grisham then started to lie to his wife, and tell her he was driving to Senatobia, Mississippi, to file a deposition. He would then instead sneak off to Oxford purchase cigars, and drive out to William Falkner's old farm. During these trips he got out a legal pad and started writing his first novel A Time To Kill (Pringle 2). About the same time he started writing his book in 1983 he ran successfully for the Mississippi legislature. He ran as a Democrat in the state Senate from 1984 to 1990. Grisham wrote A Time to Kill on a computer in his two bedroom brick house in a small space between his washer and dryer (Ferranti 2).

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