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Jane Eyre

             Charlotte Bronte uses violence in several scenes throughout the novel.
             The violence in the novel is not fatal to anyone, it is just used to .
             catch the readers eye. This novel consists of many emotional aspects. .
             For example, the violence in the scene where Mr. Mason gets attacked. .
             The attack really upsets Jane and Mr. Rochester. In the novel Jane Eyre .
             Charlotte Bronte uses several acts of violence to create suspense, mystery, .
             and characterization.
             This scene is probably the best one to create the suspense of the novel. .
             It keeps a person interested in the book and wanting to know what happens .
             next. There is no way of knowing why this happened, who does it, or if Mr.
             Mason is going to live or die. That is why Charlotte Bronte used violence.
             to create this kind of suspense. So a person would be interested enough .
             in the novel to keep reading.
             The mystery is a mystery itself, there is a secret at Thornfield and Jane .
             can sense this. Then there is the mystery of the person who committed this .
             act of violence. Jane suspects who it might be, but she is not for sure. .
             To find out the mystery of the house and the person who did it a person has .
             to solve it.
             Finally, there is the characterization of Bertha. From the way Rochester .
             talks about Bertha at first she seems pretty normal, but he says how she .
             become after they get married. She turned into someone he did not know, a .
             crazy psychopath, mad woman. Rochester wanted to hide this from everyone .
             even Jane, Bertha cares for no one but herself. She does not care who she .
             hurts, she proved this when she hurt Mr. Mason her own brother.
             At last, the end of the novel, The suspense, mystery, and characterization.
             are all told. The person that this all revolved around was Bertha. It was .
             Charlotte Bronte s clever way of keeping the novel interesting and the .
             reader interested. She even tells us what happens ten years later. She .
             does this so they will be no mystery or suspense of what was going to .

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