It's the message that we are sending to these younger generations through movies, television and especially magazines. Teenage magazines place too much emphasis on physical appearance. They corrupt these young girls minds by drilling into their point of vulnerability that being thin means being beautiful. If you are beautiful than this package deal seems to crawl right up behind you. What is the package deal? Well, from flipping through the pages of "Twist", the hottest teeny-bopper magazine out in the market right now, it seems to me if you are a thin and attractive you will automatically have an "oh, so cute boyfriend", and have all these admirers or so-called friends, and be invited to all these "cool" parties. Basically in the teenage mind, you will have the life. .
Having the August 2000 issue of "Twist" in front of me, by just glancing at the cover backs up the "sickness" society is spreading to young girls. "Make him Notice you", "LOOK HOT, FEEL HOT!" "18 body-confidence secrets that work", "be a back-to-school babe", and "7 shortcuts to so-shiny hair", are beaming at these girls by just a simple glimpse of the cover. Now, "Twist's" audience is around the ages of twelve to sixteen. So explain to me why Jessica, a thirteen year old girl, needs to "Make him Notice her". Isn't Jessica supposed to be making a play date with little Anne-Marie to come over and go swimming, and not have Tiffany come over and teach her how to apply make-up and dress with sex appeal to get Jim, the hot guy in class, to ask her out to the movies? But, sadly enough it is these covers that sell to teenage girls yearning for attention. .
So, little Jessica buys the August 2000 issue of "Twist". She quickly flips through to see what she is exactly in for in this issue. Her eyes are now drawn to the pictures. Every ad, every editorial, is pretty boy "Jim" with pretty, skinny "Tiffany" in her cute little outfit right beside him.