Alex is subjected to a special treatment that brainwashes him in to not being able to do anything harmful to others. Alex loses his ability to choose between good and bad and in effect loses his ability to live his life that way he sees fit. The individual was sacrificed for the perceived greater good of helping society. In "Can't go to sleep." Rza lists black leaders murdered because of the values they held, individuals sacrificed for the perceived greater good of helping society. Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were both shot because their ideas were different from those held in their society. Marcus Garvey was deported, sent to another country because Society could not stomach the ideas he was preaching.
Before the individual is destroyed completely, society will first attempt to destroy or debilitate the individual's ability to be an individual. Alex is sent to prison to be rehabilitated so that he could no longer harm innocent people. In prison Alex appears to be the poster boy of the correctional system, embracing religion, helping the prison chaplain and playing music at the prison masses. It appears that society has rectified Alex through social institution and made him embrace the values of society. Because of the absolute evil nature of the character Alex retains his individualism even when appearing to be the epitome of society's" values. While reading the bible Alex envisions himself nailing Jesus to the cross. "I closed my (eyes) and saw myself helping in and even taking charge of the (beating) and nailing in.".
Alex retains his individualism but the prison chaplain warns him of the consequences of keeping his current set of ideals. "Is it going to be in and out and out and in and out of institutions, like this, though more in than out for most of you, or are you going to attend to the divine word and realize the punishment that await the unrepentant sinner in the next world, and in this one?" Alex remains the same and ends up killing another inmate during a gang beating.