This happens mainly because they all live together on the reservation. Family is very important in Native American Culture. The men are the head of the house but the women play a very strong role in everyday life and they also carry a heavy workload. Most families get together with other families at Powwows. No other event captures the Native American spirit like the powwow or "wacipi." (pronounced WA CHEE PEE) Dancers in colorful dress move gracefully around the ring, a steady drum beat directing their movements. Tradition is passed from one generation to the next. .
Today's powwows often feature competitions in categories such as traditional, fancy, grass, shawl, and jingle-dress dancing. Entrants wear different styles of clothing according to the dance. While a fancy dancer wears bustles and beads, a shawl dancer wears a long-fringed shawl over an elaborately beaded dress, moccasins and leggings. .
Powwows present a great opportunity for non-Indians to learn about the culture, and most are open to the public. They can last anywhere from a few hours to several days, and frequently include craft displays, rodeos and cultural exhibits. You might also get a taste of ethnic food such as the popular Indian taco, Indian fry bread or "wojapi," a fruit pudding. Powwows show a side of the Indians that isn't usually seen by most whites or other races, and until you do see one you won't be able to see the talent, liveliness, colorfulness, spirit and entertainment that is featured at one of these events.
Although there are many up sides to the Native American culture and most of them are very proud people there are some dark clouds that hang over it as well. One of those problems is drinking and it is a big problem among the young Native Americans. Alcohol problems among Native Americans are severe and widespread. Statistics report that the rate of alcohol-related deaths is about eight times greater for Native Americans than for the U.