The world has gone through a revolution and it has changed a .
We have cut the death rates around the world with modern medicine .
and new farming methods. For example, we sprayed to destroy mosquitoes .
in Sri Lanka in the 1950s. In one year, the average life of everyone .
in Sri Lanka was extended by eight years because the number of people .
dying from malaria suddenly declined.
This was a great human achievement. But we cut the death rate .
without cutting the birth rate. Now population is soaring. There were .
about one billion people living in the world when the Statue of .
Liberty was built. There are 4.5 billion today. World population is .
growing at an enormous rate. The world is going to add a billion .
people in the next eleven years, that's 224,000 every day! Experts say .
there will be at least 1.65 billion more people living in the world in .
the next twenty years.
We must understand what these numbers mean for the U.S. Let's .
look at the question of jobs. The International Labor organization .
projects a twenty-year increase of 600 to 700 million people who will .
be seeking jobs. Eighty-eight percent of the world's population growth .
takes place in the Third World. More than a billion people today are .
paid about 150 dollars a year, which is less than the average American .
earns in a week. And growing numbers of these poorly paid Third World .
citizens want to come to the United States.
In the 1970s, all other countries that accept immigrants .
started controlling the number of people they would allow into their.
countries. The United States did not. This means that the huge numbers .
of immigrants who are turned down elsewhere will turn to the United .
States. The number of immigrants is staggering. The human suffering .
they represent is a nightmare. Latin America's population is now 390 .
million people. It will be 800 million in the year 2025. Mexico's .
population has tripled since the Second World War. One third of the .
population of Mexico is under ten years of age, as a result, in just .