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Homosexuality Is Not A Sin According To The Bible

             Myths about homosexuality abound. For example, many people confuse transvestites, men who have the compulsion to dress in women's clothing but are heterosexuals, with homosexuals. Others equate all gays with pedophiles, heterosexual or homosexual adults who seek sexual satisfaction from children. Education about gays and lesbians continues to be uncommon in schools, and information about them can be difficult to obtain. When one usually thinks of a homosexual, an automatic picture of them dressing or acting in a certain way usually come to mind. Just like heterosexuals, gays differ enormously from each other; but many heterosexuals usually lump all gays together. They accept the stereotype that gays are only obsessed with sex, placing a narrow focus on one dimension of their lifestyles. In this way, many people have a hard time believing that gays are, for the most part, loving, capable, and decent individuals. Gay relationships can include many dimensions - emotional,!.
             intellectual, spiritual, as well as sexual. (Hyde 12).
             So, then, what is love? Many people will say that there is no answer to this question or that it is too complex to answer. Still, others say that words in English cannot express the true definition of love. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary defines loves as the following:.
             Strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties; attraction based on sexual desire; affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests; an assurance of love; warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion; the object of attachment, devotion, or admiration; a beloved person; unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another; a person's adoration of God; an amorous episode; or the sexual embrace.
             However, the best meaning can be derived from God:.

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