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Hitler Youth

             The education system under Nazi power promoted Nazi ideas. The Nazis attempted to brainwash young Germans from the cradle. Fairy tales were related to National Socialist views. The stories made children believe that Hitler was Germany's saviour, Cowie, (1992:179-180).
             Every subject at school was presented from the National Socialist point of view. Teachers enforced National Socialism in order to protect themselves from the intruding government. Teachers were instructed what to teach in the nature, causes, and effects of all racial and hereditary problems, Hoepper et al., (1996:106).
             Jews were discriminated against and humiliated in front of their classes. The aim was to ensure that 'no boy or girl should leave school without complete knowledge of the necessity and meaning of blood purity'. All Arian students were told they were the superior race, promoting nationalist attitudes, Hoepper et al., (1996:107). .
             The old lecture books were censored by government officials and/or superceded with new books. Marxist, pacifist, Jewish or other anti-war texts were burnt on May 10, 1933 in the Opera Place in Berlin. .
             Lawrence, Eshuys and Guest, (1986:168).
             'Mein Kampf' (My Struggle) by Adolf Hitler became the textbook for history lessons. Once read, students would start from the beginning again. Here is a maths problem picked out of a school book during the Nazi Regime: "A bomber on take-off carries twelve dozen bombs, each weighing ten kilos. The aircraft makes for Warsaw, the centre of the Jews in Europe. It bombs the town When it returns from the crusade, there are still 230 kilos of fuel left. What is the weight of the aircraft when empty?" Lawrence, Eshuys and Guest, (1986:172).
             School books had changed dramatically, within a few years. This led to capturing the children's hearts and souls through stories in primary school, and through textbooks and propaganda for the older grades. .
             Many young people liked Hitler's ideas, and his promises of change.

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