The students would be divided up among their grade levels, freshman through Senior, and would take the basic required classes with their own classmates. The curriculum will consist of the basic requirements: English, Math, Science, and History. Students will also be required to complete a minimum of two years of foreign language during their high school career for a graduation requirement. Most colleges require a foreign language to be accepted into their school, so requiring it in high schools school gives the students start on the college preparation, and applying process. Not only that, but the students will have a more culturally diverse atmosphere by learning other languages and cultures of the world within their curriculum. The school will also offer several different classes within each department for students to choose from, after completing their basic requirements. The students can choose the classes that suit them best, and fit their interests. Some departments would include home economics, theater, music, and shop classes. The elective classes that they can choose from will be made up of students from various grade levels. That way the students get a chance to meet people in the other grade levels, and have the opportunity to interact with people other then their same classmates from day to day. .
The school day would begin at 8:45 in the morning, and consist of seven class periods throughout the day, each lasting 45 minutes in length. The students will be required to take the four main subjects during four of the class periods, one class period will be used for a required study hall period, and the other two periods will be whichever elective classes the students choose to take. The school day will end at 3:35 PM, giving the students who are involved in sports and clubs after school the chance to have their practices and meetings. It also gives the students who have jobs enough time to get to work, and work for the evening hours.