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Guns In Society

             Gun Control ever since America has been a country Americans have owned and used guns. Recent events such as Columbine and other mass shootings have caused Americans to look at guns in a whole new perspective. Many argue guns protect us as United States citizens, while others will argue that guns are killing United States citizens. Who is right? Is there a right or a wrong? What should be done if anything? There are many different factors that contribute to finding the answers to these questions. One of the aspects of gun control is the ever disputed second amendment. This amendment states: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." .
             Many people disagree on whether it is solely the militia's right to bear the arms or all people's right. "Over forty lower court decisions have addressed the amendment. All have ruled that the second amendment only guarantees a state's right to maintain a militia - not an individual's right to own a handgun" (Brady 84). Does this mean that this is or should be in affect now? The answer is no, mainly because the NRA is a strong lobbyist for many politicians. Therefore, very little is done because every time a bill goes before congress about gun control it is rarely ever decided on. Yet some actions have been taken towards gun control. "Government officials have decided on four major ideas that have recently been put into action. These ideas are more severe penalties for convicted criminals, licensing of gun dealers, registering guns, and permissive to restrictive licenses for gun owners"(Newton 77). However some courts are taken greater actions, "In 1981, Morton Grove Illinois,!.
             passed an ordinance banning handguns. Exclusions included police officers, prison authorities, members of the armed forces, licensed gun collectors, and licensed hunters"(Brady 85).

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