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Goverment Budget Waste

" (p.208) Money that should go to Social Security is being diverted to other departments. Is this legal? Is this the way the government is supposed to handle our money responsibly?.
             These are just a few and brief examples amongst many that total to a tragic situation that heavily impact the national economy.
             M. Gross states (1993) "Washington has been in a state of denial, refusing to admit that the federal government is irrational and the cause of much of the nation's struggle and confusion- (p.2) This impact reverberates through economy by higher taxes removed from wages. It is not just federal tax, but state and local tax also. Nearly every monetary transaction involves some form. You are taxed when you save money, you are tax when you make a purchase, you are tax when sale your home, and you are tax when you win cash prize, just to give some examples.
             All this is a result of the United States government need to shovel money into its coffers because its waste goes uncontrolled. Government expense is increasing fantastic rate.
             The middle class shoulders the biggest portion of the fiscal burden, 80 % of the revenue comes from individual taxes.
             Our founding fathers of this nation having witness the divesting cost federal taxation in other nations and desiring to insure our nation succeeds did not permit federal taxation. It was not until the government started to abuse the sixteenth amendment put in place to control robber baron's of President Wilson era did the taxes go out control.
             As M. Gross shows (1993) "So what started out in 1913 as an often-overlooked constitutional amendment has now become the tax monster, the progenitor of big, nation-destroying government" (p.59).
             And destroying the nation it is. Although America has the largest economy, it is not the best.
             M.Gross states (1993) "The earnings of American workers have actually been going backwards.

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