Many diseases seen today are the problem of a defective gene in the DNA of the .
Patient and can not be cured using the traditional methods such as antibiotics and antiviral .
medication. The scientist are now looking to gene therapy as a potential cure for there .
problems. Gene therapy can be used for several things , such as to eliminate disease , .
cancer , HIV , AID and probably some other type of things that hasn't been discovered or .
even can fully cure these problems in the near future. In 1980 was the first attempt on .
gene experimentation , but the scientist was denied permission at his university. In 1990 .
scientist have tried gene therapy on a four year old girl , which was the first human trail .
approved in the United State. Gene Therapy is the process of replacing a defective gene .
inside a patient's DNA with a working gene that will produce the correct gene products. .
But in order to carry a working gene to replace a defective gene is that it must be safe and .
it must deliver the genes to a high percentage of disease cells. And the best one for this .
process in delivering therapeutic genes , is called vectors. To make these vector you have .
to take out the insides of the virus of the genes , than you take the ones that can be .
harmful and put it to the host of the cell. At the same time , you have to keep the genes .
that enable the retrovirus to insert DNA into host chromosomes in position. By attaching .
the ones that joins , to the therapeutic gene , then you"ll create a retrovirus that is able of .
infecting cells and joining two corrective gene into chromosomes. The cause of these .
defective genes are the process of mutation. A mutation in just one gene may cause a cell .
to malfunction and to divide uncontrollably , as is the case in certain cancers. The types of .
gene therapy described so far , all have one thing in common which is, that the tissues .
being treated are somatic (somatic cells include all the cells of the body, except sperm cells .