Therefore, education prepares students for the division of labour along traditional gender lines that are produced and reproduced through the operation of two distinct cultures: the masculine and the feminine. .
The sociology of education is an important forum for the investigation of the social phenomenon of inequality as it manifests itself in unequal opportunity in education, which results in unequal privilege, prestige, and power in later life. A research study on gender inequality in the educational system has social and practical significance, for educational issues constantly face and effect individuals as students, as parents, and as members of society. A sociological analysis of gender inequality in the educational system and its consequences for society will be examined and addressed in this thesis. The major theoretical paradigm of Conflict Theory and Feminist Theories will be used to critically examine the educational system of elementary schools with regards to the social reproduction of gender relations, which leads to inequality. .
This research study will attempt to demonstrate the major hypothesis that gender inequality in the educational system results from the formal structure of elementary schools, that is, the formal curriculum, as well as from the informal structure of elementary schools, that is, the informal or hidden curriculum, which leads to differential expectations and treatment of females and males. Through this research effort, a greater theoretical understanding of gender inequality in the educational system, as well as recommendations and attempts to eliminate this gender bias are desired to be obtained. The overall structure of this research study consists of five main components. Chapter One is an in-depth examination of the major theoretical paradigm of Conflict Theory in sociology and its relevance to gender inequality.