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Functionlism in School

            Functionalism stands in almost in every body's theories of schooling. The political bearings controlled by the government's standings. The intellectual, of those seeking for more knowledge. The social skill that are picked up, and the economical aspects of our city. These four are the most recognizable in schooling. There is however other smaller functions in schooling. These are just the one I will be focusing on.
             The political aspects I think are one of the more important. Those studies included are history, social studies and economics. The pledge of allegiance, which is a great way to promote pride in our country. When I was in school I used to say it every day. The school system is starting to get away from these old ways. Knowing our history is probably if not the most important a very close second. As a species you can only improve by learning from our mistakes. The importance of this function is to keep our pride were it is supposed to be, at home. If you don't realize what our ancestors have gone through you"ll never comprehend the modern day struggles. The conflict over in the Middle East is based on fighting for our beliefs as our forefathers did so long ago. So many other countries also revolt under a new constitution based on the one that was written in collaboration of the new government. .
             The intellectual function is more deeply rooted the any other. This part is based solely on the person being an educated one. The search for wisdom has always been a journey for those with open minds. Those who grasp more always want more. Those who want more never lose in the society of today. When you look for more understanding you get more privileges. These privileges are not those of the common person but those of an educated one. There is knowledge taught in schools but that only to an extent. Those who are truly seeking journey, not in a physical but a mental state in which life can only teach.

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