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Frog Pond

They have their own laws and rules, in contrary to the cities, where the "system" is the law. There is no power to the little man; he has no say. In the text Stan talks about the riot the students formed, to get more influence on which subjects, that should be taught in the schools. The students wanted to learn survival subjects, like forestry and plant grafting, but it was banned by the system. The riotes protested, and even castrated a Civil Defence man. It is obvious how the system wants to make sure that no one has the skills to survive on their own. Or are able to create a system that could replace the present one. It is a clever strategy because if you create a society that cannot live without you, you have secured your power in the future. Judging by the way that Stan reacts to the little Althea's society, the cities inhabitants are not allowed to do very much. It seems like the Civil Defence men rule the cities, with iron hands. Stan is tired of being treated like that, and is on his way to recruit young children to his resistance movement. When I read the story, I could not help thinking about "Hitler Jugend". It was the organisation that brainwashed thousands of young Germans, to follow Hitler in all of his ideas. The only difference between the two organisations is, that "Hitler Jugend" was made for evil, and Stan's organisation seems to have its interests in helping the people. Stan is travelling around the country searching for a place to have his headquarters, and people to help him. Surely he has chosen the wrong community to recruit members. Althea and all other members of the community have been raised to be suspicious, and not believe in strangers. The little society has learned not to expose itself to anyone. It seems to me that their code for life is, "better safe than sorry". I think that the people, who have suffered so much under the dictatorial system, would not, even if they could, try to stand up against it.

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