We can watch any news .
broadcast and see the evidence of these increasingly worrisome problems. In Friday, both .
of these issues are very apparent. Debo, the neighborhood thief and "bully," is constantly .
harassing the people in Craig's neighborhood. He breaks into their homes, steals their .
possessions, beats people up to take their jewelry and other items, and is just generally a .
pain in everyone's butt. He is the most violent person in the movie.
Craig gets into a fight with Debo and pulls a gun on him. Craig feels.
confused and not sure what he should do. His father convinces him to give him the gun .
and insists that Craig should fight like a man with his fists. I don't think that was very .
good advice. Debo was twice as big as Craig and was always in a bad mood. They .
do fight and surprisingly Craig wins. You would think that most problems could be .
solved without violent acts. The reality is that sometimes, under certain circumstances, .
that just doesn't work. Obviously, this was one of those times.
Sexual promiscuity was also depicted in this movie. Craig's neighbor has an.
affair with a preacher, his sister's friend sleeps around to get drugs, and Smokey puts the .
moves on anything in a skirt. To so blatantly condone this kind of behavior does not set a .
good example. With the rampant spread of the Aids virus and other sexually transmitted .
diseases, anyone with common sense would know better than to behave in this manner. .
Craig seemed to have a loving and supportive family. His dad was a pretty .
wacky guy. His ideas about how to handle certain situations were a bit far-fetched, but he .
meant well. Because there was no indication of what age the kids in the movie were, it's .
hard to comment on how the parents should have advised their kids. I do know that quite .
a few of the kids' actions were questionable, even illegal. For example, if these kids were .
minors they would all be considered unruly. All the kids in the movie were disobedient, .