same electricity that beats our hearts. Platinum is an even better conductor than gold. It is also .
not a coincidence that the pendant or charm on a necklace usually rests near the center of the .
chest. There has been a definite significance behind the whole logic of wearing a pendant or a .
charm close to the chest. Significantly, we still do the same thing wear the jewellery in the same .
place, giving the same kind of importance to the jewellery. .
Half of Britain is now connected to a cellular network, but only a decade ago the mobile .
phone was mainly linked to the Wall Street yuppies. Back then, a mobile phone ringing on a .
train provoked a cacophony. The basic concept behind cellular phones emerged as early as 1947, .
with the earliest prototypes developed in the U.S and Sweden. However, tight regulation and a .
lack of competition in telecommunication restricted opportunities for mobile technology until the .
1970's, when AT& T launched the first commercial services. Not only were the handsets .
impractically hefty, they were hard to obtain, with thousands of people left languishing on five to .
ten year waiting lists. Europe's first cellular network, the Nordic mobile telephone system, was .
launched across Scandinavia in 1981. Soon after Britain issued licenses to Cell net and .
Vadafone, who commenced commercial services in January 1985. As early as 1982, the .
European phone companies started working on a universal digital mobile standard, originally .
known as GSM, Global System for Mobile communications. GSM digital standard - coupled .
with ever cheaper price plans, such as free - off peak local calls. Meanwhile, the handset .
marketers, led by Nokia, were busy transforming the mobile phone from a clunky box into a .
fashion accessory. Humans love to equate size with power and in the mobile world less is more. .
Stainless steel models now jostle with colored facial in quest for the latest hip look. The .
popularity of SMS text messages added another dimension of fun, encouraging cheeky messages .