It is always interesting and fun to see how styles, trends and fads change over the years and .
sometimes how they even try to make a comeback in our society. Everyone remembers a favorite .
toy, certain fashion or article of clothing that they grew up with. Fads can show up in many .
different places including major aspects like language and dress, to minor things like .
entertainment. A fad is defined as, " a practice or interest followed for a period of time with .
exaggerated zeal"(angelfire). Talk shows, legal shows, and real TV have become mainstream in .
broadcast television within the last five years. Shows like, " The Jerry Springer Show" and " .
Judge Judy" have moved to top slots on their broadcast networks (angelfire). In roman times, .
people would gather in great numbers at large coliseums to see and bet on men being .
slaughtered. Trial, Judgment and even punishment were commonly carried out in the view of the .
public. Our lives and life styles have changed a lot with fashion and fads. Clothing and .
appearance are fads that constantly change yet always seem to repeat them. Almost every fashion .
statement found today can be traced to the past. From bellbottoms to denim suits and heavy .
jewellery, each style has manifested repeatedly over time. .
In the past, gold has dominated the jewellery world, but the latest trend is platinum. Not .
everyone can afford to purchase platinum and so they settle for white gold or silver. This .
represents a wish to enhance the outside appearance by looking rich. It is well known that .
people, especially the opposite sex, are attracted to money, and rich looking things. Therefore if .
you look rich; you will find it easy to attract the attention of others. As with any other fad, this .
can also be traced to the past. The ancient Egyptians wore jewellery for decoration as well as to .
promote good health and well - being. Science teaches that gold is an excellent conductor of the .