takes place when a dying person, who wishes to quicken their death,.
requests help in carrying out the act. In an assisted suicide, the.
terminally ill patient wants to die and has asked for the help in doing.
so. .
Physician assisted suicide occurs when the individual assisting in.
the suicide is a doctor rather than a friend or family member. .
Terminally ill patients who made the decision to end their life often.
turn to the physician for help and advice. Most of the time, many.
physicians are not willing to provide their assistance in the suicide.
because of the conflicts with the ethical beliefs or because it is illegal.
Pro Euthanasia people say that euthanasia should be a case of.
individual liberty. If a person wants to die, we dont have any right to.
tell that person that he or she can not do that. A doctor can not force.
anyone to have medical treatment if he or she doesnt want it. Pro.
lifers agree that anyone should be able to have that right to refuse.
treatments if they believe that the sides effects, whether it be pain or.
having the feeling of being a burden to being tied to machines or the.
disease itself.
Pro Euthanasia people believe that people who are suffering.
from a illness that makes them unable to communicate, are.
candidates for euthanasia. These include people who are in comas,.
paralyzed, or simply so sick and weak that they can not make.
meaningful sounds or other communications. Pro Euthanasia people.
say that these such patient's quality of life is so low that they are.
better off dead and they should be killed. In the United States, the.
frequent way of killing such people is by taking away their food and.
fluids, so that they starve to death. They give them drugs to prevent.
convulsions as they starve. This is known as Passive Euthanasia, they.
are not directly killing that person, they just define food and fluids as.
the medical treatment and then stop the medical treatment.
Pro Euthanasia people also often say that there should be limits,.