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On the other hand, by ever treating the condition or symptoms in the first place we, as humans have ALREADY interfered with this plan. We are already playing God, we have crossed that bridge, so why would stopping treatment be any different or worse? "Allowing someone to die", leaving it as a personal choice restores the right to freedom and makes death a little bit easier to face. It has been shown that when a person facing an approaching death is presented with the option of future help and euthanasia, when and if they feel it is needed, live longer and more comfortable lives. The knowledge that they will be able to control their time to go decreases their fear. They do not wake up everyday wondering if this day is their last because their death is now in their own hands. They face death with a feeling more of acceptance than of dread.
             MERCY DEATH.
             "Mercy death", also known as physician assisted suicide (PAS), is the active termination of someones life upon his or her request. "Mercy death" is still considered illegal in most parts of the world and in all of this country, but changes are happening every day. Oregon has passed legislation regulating instances of mercy death. The "Death with Dignity" law passed in Oregon in 1994 but did not go into effect until 1997. It allows patients in Oregon to choose to end their lives, with many safeguards in action to regulate it"s application to patients. The fear that this law would lead to increased instances of mercy deaths in terminal patients proved to be unfounded. The law has been successful in Oregon, but so far 32 states still specifically prohibit mercy death. Michigan, the home of the most famous, or infamous, mercy deaths, which occurred at the hands of Dr. Jack Kevorkian, is one such state. Why was he wrong? He was helping people that had willingly asked for his assistance. People who most likely would have committed suicide on their own if the option of a euthanistic death had not been available to them.

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