Human life begins at fertilization, therefore it is wrong to murder the innocent child in the womb. In my opinion, the mothers of these unborn children are taking the consequentialist/egoism approach to having an abortion. Consequential/teleological theories focus on the ends of action and the consequences or effects of action. This woman's primary concern is about herself and doing what's best for her at this given situation. The ethical theorist most compatible to the thinking of this unbalanced woman is Niccolo Machiavelli. The Machiavellian rule of thumb is "the ends justify the means". In the text The Prince, Machiavelli believes th!.
at prudence takes precedence over morality. He believes that one should not expect government officials to risk their powerful positions to be moral. The fact that each of us often recognizes in his of her own life a tension between the "demands" of prudence and those of morality is a testament to the fact that moral notions are embedded in our conceptual apparatus for altogether different reasons than instruments that measure self-interest and satisfaction. Therefore, a woman who is contemplating abortion is not thinking about the society, church or anything else when making her decision. This woman is not concerned with whether she should be moral or not.
She is thinking about "her" power, autonomy and how this baby will affect "her" life. .
The Law and History.
The fetus is a real human being and deserves all rights and freedom given to people under the constitution. Under US law, murder is illegal and the consequences for any such action would be imprisonment or, in some states, capital punishment. This right is evident in the 14th amendment that states, " The state shall not deprive any person of life, liberty property, without due process of the law" . Abortion denies babies equal protection under the law, and is depriving a person of life. Thomas Jefferson stated human rights best when he wrote, "we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men all created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator and with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" .
Environmental/Ethical Dilemma When an employee discovers unethical, immoral or illegal actions at work, the employee makes a decision about what to do with this information. ... In any business practice legal regulation is a significant source of business ethics and this is the perfect scenario to discuss the following moral and ethical guidelines. There are at least five major ethical rules that can be drawn from the law. ... Subsequently, the assistant is faced with an ethical dilemma. ... If he decides to keep this information confidential, he too would have violated the ethica...
I want to help the parents keep their daughter, and their family, but there are many ethical issues I must consider before making my decision regarding the operation. ... Had she been four years older, the entire ethical debate would not exist because we would have to respect her rights. ...
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Treating AIDS "The Global Ethical Dilemma Statistics show that ninety percent of the world's 33 million HIV/AIDS cases are in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. These areas are known to be much more deficient and therefore can not afford the drug to help fight AIDS. The quandary for the drug com...