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Is Belief in God Rational

             I agree with Blaise Pascal the French philosopher and mathematician when he wrote, " God has given us evidence sufficiently clear to convince those with an open heart and mind. Yet evidence sufficiently vague so as not to compel those whose hearts and minds are closed.".
             Is genuine knowledge possible?.
             There is actual knowledge, which is the present view the mind has of the agreement or disagreement of any of its ideas, or of the relation they have one to another.
             Knowledge is just perception of the agreement or disagreement of our ideas. Genuine knowledge tells us about the atomic structure of things and concerns the size, shape, arrangement and turning of atoms. Yet what most people take to be knowledge is nothing of the sort; they speak of colors, smells, tastes, and other experiences that are revealed to us by our senses. But our senses, by themselves, reveal nothing of the true reality which underlie them. .
             For example, we all know that if our senses are altered, as occurs when a sick person becomes healthy, the same external stimulus produces a different experience. Therefore, the senses tell us nothing about reality, they give us only an illegitimate knowledge.
             There is no doubt that the human knowledge continuously develops, becomes deeper, and makes an advance. The fact of the development of knowledge confirms its relative nature. All levels of human knowledge are relative. Therefore, there is an indefinite development of our knowledge.
             " genuine knowledge must be inherent in the very constitution of the understanding or mind itself, the very make-up of the mind, the necessary and fundamental law which determines the manner of all the functions of the mind." - Immanuel Kant .
             This quote suggests that genuine knowledge requires one to know all, including knowledge itself. It would mean that in order for genuine knowledge to be possible, there would have to be a limit to one's knowledge.

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