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Ergonomics in the Workplace

tifaq.org/ergonomics.html). As stated earlier, I will concentrate on the factors of ergonomics resulting from office and computer work. One reason is because the world has been faced with an explosion of computer technology. As more and more work, education and recreation involves computers, everyone needs to be aware of the hazards of Repetitive Strain Injury to the hands and arms resulting from the use of computer keyboards and mice. This can be a serious and very painful condition that is far easier to prevent than to cure once contracted, and can occur even in young physically fit individuals. "Most CTD's are preventable and curable if caught early. The key is to notice trouble when it starts-and do something about it. Early signs may include persistent pain, tingling, numbness, burning, or aching. The signs may be constant ormay occur mostly after certain activities. The drastic cures --- such as surgery --- are not reliable and should be a last resort. Nevertheless, a health professional should be consulted when you are concerned about possible early signs- (http://www.office-ergo.com/alternat.htm). There are also factors concerning who is more likely to get a CTD than others. "Some people get CTD's because their bodies are vulnerable to them. For example, carpal tunnel syndrome seems to be related to diabetes, overweight, thyroid conditions, hormone conditions such as those caused by hysterectomy or removal of both ovaries, rheumatoid arthritis, previous injuries, and other conditions. Smoking may also increase the risk. Anyone with any of these conditions --- particularly obesity --- should be especially careful about prevention- (www.office-ergo.com/alternat.htm). It is not uncommon for people to have to leave computer-dependent careers as a result, or even to be permanently disabled and unable to perform tasks such as driving or dressing themselves.
             As computer use has increased, workers who spend long hours at terminals began to show signs of physical strain that had never before been acknowledged with desk work.

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