9. Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT)- assisted fertilization of woman's egg: a method designed to aid conception in which eggs are removed from a woman's ovary, mixed with sperm, and placed in one of her fallopian tubes.
10. Genital herpes- sexually transmitted blisters: a sexually transmitted disease caused by the herpes simplex virus and affecting the genital and anal regions with painful blisters.
11. Genital warts- sexually transmitted warts: warts of the genital or anal area caused by a sexually transmitted virus.
12. Gonorrhea- genital disease: a sexually transmitted disease that causes inflammation of the genital mucous membrane, burning pain when urinating, and a discharge. It is caused by a gonococcus bacterium. .
13. Gumma- syphilitic tumor: a rubbery tumor that can occur in the tertiary stage of syphilis. Also called syphiloma.
14. Hernia- injury to container of internal organ: a condition in which part of an internal organ projects abnormally through the wall of the cavity that contains it, especially the projection of the intestine from the abdominal cavity. It may be present at birth, especially in the region of the navel, or caused by muscular strain or injury, or result from a congenital weakness in the cavity wall.
15. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)- virus disabling immune system: either of two strains of a retrovirus, HIV-1 or HIV-2, that destroys the immune system's helper T cells, the loss of which causes AIDS.
16. Hysterectomy- removal of uterus: a surgical operation to remove a woman's uterus.
17. Hysteroscopy- examination of womb interior: use of a fiber-optic endoscope to study the womb lining, take biopsy samples, and carry out local treatment.
18. Impotence- sexual inability: the inability of a male to perform sexual intercourse, usually because erection of the penis cannot be achieved or sustained.
19. Infertile- sterile: physically incapable of conceiving offspring.