Ecstasy is Methylene Dioxymethamphetamine, often abbreviated as MDMA. This drug is a member of the same family of drugs that include amphetamine and LSD. I once believed that ecstasy was a mixture of methamphetamine and LSD, but as I researched, I found out that it has its own chemical structure. Ecstasy is not a mixture of other drugs; it is something all its own. .
Ecstasy alone makes people biased towards ecstasy without even doing the research necessary to judge it. There are some 500,000 regular users of the drug Ecstasy in the United Kingdom alone. (, p.1) It can't be all that bad, can it?.
Before ecstasy was called MDMA, it was known as MDA. MDA was first made in Germany in 1898, and was used as an appetite suppressant. It was also tested in 1941 as a relief for Parkinson's disease, but it was dropped because one trial subject felt rigidity of the muscles. It was also dropped as an appetite suppressant at about the same time because some "strange side effects were noted". ( p.1) It isn't clear what those effects were. MDMA, also known as Ecstasy, was synthesized in 1914, and was patented by the German company Merck. MDMA gained popularity in 1972 as a legal alternative to MDA. MDMA was used in marriage counseling as a way of reducing hostility during the counseling session.
The father of MDMA is Alexander Shulgin. Shulgin received his PhD in biochemistry from the University of California at Berkley. From there he got a job as a research chemist with Dow Chemicals where he invented a profitable insecticide. The company wanted to reward him for such an invention that they gave him his own lab. Shulgins ambition was to find a drug that was theraputic, and with his research at the lab, he created MDMA, which was the drug that came closest to fulfilling it. (Saunders,p.7).
During1984, while Ecstasy was still legal, you could find it at any bar in Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas, where you could pay for it by credit card.
Ecstasy It is estimated that 94.1 million Americans of the age 12 or older has used an illicit drug at least once in their lifetimes, one of those drugs being Ecstasy. ... One of the most common setting for the use of Ecstasy is at a rave (a type of dance club). ... Ecstasy is also said to inhibit or restrain an orgasm and prevent an erection in some men. ... Because the quality of street ecstasy is notoriously poor, having the ability to at least narrow down the possible contents can help reduce the risks associated with the use of street ecstasy. ... Although tolerance levels increa...
Ecstasy It is estimated that 94.1 million Americans of the age 12 or older has used an illicit drug at least once in their lifetimes, one of those drugs being Ecstasy. Ecstasy (a.k.a. ... One of the most common settings for the use of Ecstasy is at a rave (a type of dance club). ... Ecstasy is also said to inhibit or restrain an orgasm and prevent an erection in some men. ... Because the quality of street ecstasy is notoriously poor, having the ability to at least narrow down the possible contents can help reduce the risks associated with the use of street ecstasy. ...
And recently, one of the most popular drugs being Ecstasy. ... The active ingredient in Ecstasy is the drug called MDMA. ... But recently, ecstasy has been reaching frat houses and high schools. ... This goes to show just how prevalent ecstasy is. ... Ecstasy is so popular because it appears to have few negative consequences and users seem to have control over themselves while on ecstasy. ...
Ecstasy: Invading the Youth The year is 2000. ... Ecstasy is the catch 22, if you will. ... "Despite the danger, ecstasy still has great word of mouth. ... So, adding ecstasy to the list of "don'ts- would suffice. ... What does a straight-and-narrow gym teacher know about ecstasy? ...
In this research paper I will address the following: the history of Ecstasy, Ecstasy's positive effects on the body while in use, the side effect Ecstasy has on the body while in us, and reasons why Ecstasy use has risen among college students. I also interviewed 3 people (2 of whom have done Ecstasy, and 1 who has not) and got feedback from them about the rise of Ecstasy use in college. ... Ecstasy's Positive Effect On The Body While In Use What Ecstasy does is very simple, yet difficult to describe. ... I asked a woman named Poanni who has done Ecstasy before if she thinks that...
Coincident with this has been the rise in the use of Ecstasy. ... Little wonder that Ecstasy use increased so rapidly; the downside was yet to come. ... Gilbert and Pearson go so far as to describe Ecstasy as a technology in itself. ... Ecstasy is the only recreational psychoactive substance to be equally used by both men and women. ... Described thus far the experience of the combined effects of Ecstasy sounds truly Utopian. ...
Ecstasy Ecstasy, illegal in almost every country around the world has been found to still be one of the biggest markets in the illegal drug industry. ... History of Ecstasy The word ecstasy is derived from the Greek language and defined as state of exaltation in which the self is transcended. ... Ecstasy is MDMA, or 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine. ... Ecstasy has many effects on the body. ... Legality of ecstasy Today ecstasy is found almost all around the world. ...
The long-term effects of Ecstasy are still unclear. ... "Club Drugs More Agony Than Ecstasy for Young Patients." ... "Drug Culture Panel Urges "Less Hysteria" Over Ecstasy." ... The risks of taking Ecstasy can be severe. ... As a step in the fight against Ecstasy, the government and law enforcement agencies have enforced anti-Ecstasy laws. ...