Hackers world wide have been known to intercept transactions or gain access to private files from which they gain personal details and will sometimes abuse the information they have accessed. Such cases as this has made people think twice about entering true and personal information over the internet and doubt the strength of the system.
1.2 Integrity:.
Shanton (1999, integrity) writes that when we are a party to a transaction, we want some level of assurance that the contents of the transaction have not been altered in some way by an unauthorized user. So if a message is sent we don't want someone tampering with the message and giving false information which could have awful ramifications for a company. These ramifications could include, according to Tresse and Stewart (1998, pg.210) crackers changing the price or quantity' of an item or order so that an incorrect delivery or order is made, the price quoted could be such that a business could not offer a particular product for that price, or the recipient of the message could go to another business to get a better price because the other one was overcharging. .
1.3 Authentication:.
The authentication of a business or person on the internet can be quite hard to verify unless a customer actually knows from past experiences that they are legitimate. It can be quite easy for the average person to set up a website under a false company name advertising products or services for sale that are not real. The main problem is a customer can be quite trusting and hand over important information to someone who is not who they say they are. Therefore a lot of forgeries and impersonations can be committed over the internet and who's to know where the message or details have gone. .
1.4 Repudiation:.
This point basically implies that a sender is able to deny having sent a transaction and no proof exists to show that it did occur. So a sender needs to have trust in the recipient that a deal's a deal', they don't want something that is false whereby the deal has not been completed or that the sender rejects the claim that a transaction was ever sent.