Drug testing has been being pushed for athletics at higher levels such as Olympics and college, but it also now spreading to high school athletics. .
"On June 26, 1995, the United States Supreme Court ruled in Vernonia Sch. Dist. 47J v. Acton that middle-school and high-school athletes can be required to submit to suspicionless drug tests as a condition of athletic participation (New York Times 1995).".
The supreme court decision was based up on the thought that high school athletes are often role models to younger students and admiration of a drug user is not acceptable, and athletes should be held to a higher standard. The removal of legal barriers has not begun widespread drug testing yet though. The high cost of about 30-100 dollars per athlete has made a financial difficulty for athletic departments to do drug testing. Since 1995 drug testing in high school athletics has been on a rise. The implementation of drug testing into high school athletics has lead to controversy involving suspicionless drug testing.
Suspicion less drug testing has become a source of controversy not only for athletes but also for employees. Civil liberations and newspaper editorialists have attacked the practice. They claim that drug testing is an unnecessary invasion of privacy. The American Civil Libertys Union claims that.
".opposes indiscriminate urine testing because the process is both unfair and unnecessary. It is unfair to force workers who are not even suspected of using drugs, and whose job performance is satisfactory, to "prove" their innocence through a degrading and uncertain procedure that violates personal privacy. Such tests are unnecessary because they cannot detect impairment and, thus, in no way enhance an employer's ability to evaluate or predict job performance. ".
(aclu online).
Aviation is a major industry in Wichita, and the FAA has strict guidelines for drug testing not only for pilots but also for employees.