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This understanding allows for better internal contact and building a stronger, more trusting relationship. This understanding also aids in the external environment of a company. .
             Today's economic structure involves much international collaboration. If employees understand the importance of diversity then building a relationship is much easier. Diverse customer bases are becoming more and more prevalent and will become more so in the future. Another marketing strategy that is becoming more popular is consumer-focused business. When employees have a diverse background to draw ideas from they are more likely to be successful in building close relationships with international prospects based on trust and reputation. Trust and reputation is rooted in the realization and understanding of differences and behaviors. Having a diverse workplace aids in the success of companies because of their ability to recognize and understand these differences. .
             The best way for a company to understand and embrace the true importance of diversity is through good leadership. "True leaders will recognize the opportunities and potential benefits inherent in diversity, such as the creation of new markets, broadened customer bases, higher levels of productivity, more creativity and new ideas, and increased corporate capacity to effectively participate in different competitive and global configurations- (Work, pg. 78). Good leaders will be sensitive and understanding and therefore more productive for the advancement of the corporation. But to head down that path, these leaders must show commitment to the idea of understanding, embracing, and leveraging diversity.
             "Building an Inclusive Environment-.
             Many extremely diverse environments still have much disorganization and dysfunction between different groups, which cause lack of productivity and foster few strong relationships. One goal we suggest companies to strive for is building an inclusive environment.

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