A few weeks later, the feeding tube was removed.
The next day she started the sixth grade. Since then she has had the feeding tube replaced and removed again, twice. Kelsey is doing much better since and will hope to keep up the good work.
Anorexia Nervosa is a very popular eating disorder. Anorexia Nervosa is the relentless pursuit of thinness. Meaning that you don't eat, in order to be skinny or the "perfect weight." This eating disorder affects mainly females, through the ages of twelve to twenty five years of age. However, recent studies have shown that Anorexia can show in children as young as six and as old as seventy-six. Researchers have found that about one percent of female adolescents has Anorexia Nervosa. So, that means that one out of every one hundred young women is starving themselves!.
People with Anorexia Nervosa show these symptoms: constant denial of any case of an eating disorder, refusing to admit that they need to eat, weighs eighty-five percent or less than what's expected, young girls won't start their menstrual period at the right age, women who have already started their period will often skip periods, or it will just stop completely. Women are not the only ones with this disorder though. Men too can and do go through Anorexia Nervosa. Men's sex hormones fall, they are most likely to be horrified of being fat, and fears of gaining weight even if the person is underweight, complaining of being fat even when extremely thin. Anorexia Nervosa also includes: depression, withdraws, weird behaviors, compulsive rituals, strange eating habits and other factors. .
Food behaviors include: often skipping meals, eats only tiny portions, won't eat in front of other people, mixed weird food combinations, always has excuses not to eat: not hungry, just ate, feeling sick, upset, others include: becoming a vegetarian, always reading food labels, reduces or completely eliminates all fat intake.