age. .
The ongoing games of tag we played during the hours of recess spent at Woodland.
Elementary School had a defining effect on our growing recognition of the complexities of.
the sexes. It was an innocent enough scene.though if the Vatican knew of the thoughts it.
would procure among our budding minds, I'm sure an edict against playground games.
amongst young children would certainly be issued. .
It was the beginning of something we could tell would occupy much of our soon.
to be adolescent lives. The latent sexual tension had already started to surface as boys and.
girls began to notice the differences between one another, and began to act according to.
those differences. It was confusing at first, as hair was pulled and shins were kicked, but it.
was supposed to be. This was the time to figure out exactly how these two entirely.
different species would interact in the future. .
Since we had yet to discover the complexities of dating and relationships, we had.
to turn to this simpler method of mass interaction. It was always the same, girls versus.
boys. It just seemed a natural division at a time when sexism was yet undefined and sex.
was only talked about by the older kids on the bus rides to and from school. We made up.
the rules as we went, adopting endless varieties of the traditional game to keep things.
interesting. The role of agressor changed throughout from female to male and back again.
It was a constant physical conversation between two opposites that still had ever so much.
in common. .
Over the years, we learned that we were destined to lose all that we had in.
common, though. Girls and boys were separated for our "sex talks," as we called them.
We matured at different rates, girls much more quickly at first. Day by day the gender gap.
widened until it could no longer be ignored. It became apparent to us that we would.
simply have to live with our differences. Fortunately though, none of this came into the.
picture during our carefree playground days.