Where as a country like Pakistan, would less likely have this challenge. While I do not disagree with her theory, I am focusing my project on the cultures in the United States.
In the U.S., there have been many cases of extreme cultural relativism, and as mentioned before we have to consider cultural differences when analyzing and judging cases. Though I cannot cover every story broke in the US, I have researched a couple of topics important to me, as I personally am from a strong cultural background - Indian - Hindu born in Hong Kong. .
As a peek in to the rest of the paper - Child Genital Mutilation is used throughout as an extreme example of how the cultural relativist and Universalist ideas clash violently. To conclude we will look at ways that we may be able to agree upon a norm in the United States and help other countries realize those norms. We argue for an alternative base for action, one that can be followed. .
II. Female Genital Mutilation - This is a procedure that is usually performed on girls before puberty. It is occasionally performed within Aboriginal, Christian and Muslim families who have emigrated to the US or Canada from some Muslim countries where it is practiced as a social tradition. It is done to young girls in order to reduce her sexual response after puberty. .
It was outlawed in the United States - "Federal Prohibition of Female Genital Mutilation Act of 1995". Prison sentences of up to 5 years if conducted. FGM has also been criminalized at state levels in California, Minnesota, North Dakota, Rhode Island, and Tennessee. There is a FGM, education program in the U.S. for immigrants from countries that practice FGM. .
In the US and Canada, the very small percentage of Muslims who wish to continue FGM, and find it impossible to find a doctor who will conduct the mutilation. Parents normally have it done illegally in the home by poorly trained persons. Of course the operation can be life threatening when performed by an untrained person; if the operator makes any mistake, the parents would not take the child to a hospital out of fear of being criminally charged with child abuse.