"What type of supplement do you take?" This is a common question people are asked in.
People usually reply by saying they take creatine. The age of.
high school students range from 15 to 18 years of age. .
Creatine is a nutritional supplement and is said to be safe among adults. On the.
other hand, there is little information about health risks of creatine use in children. The.
labels on creatine bottles states that creatine is not recommended for use by people less.
that 18 years of age. Although the supplement is not recommended for adolescents,.
many reports indicate a broad use by young athletes. Creatine is used significantly more.
by boys than girls. Sports with the most common use of creatine are football, wrestling,.
hockey, gymnastics, and lacrosse.
Creatine's yearly sales amount to over 400 million dollars. This makes creatine.
the most popular nutritional supplement. A discouraging fact is that young adolescents.
can buy creatine at any health store or on the internet. .
All in all, the use of creatine in young athletes is very disturbing. The safety of .
creatine in people less than 18 years old is unknown. The short term and especially the.
long term health risks are also unknown. Young athletes should pass on taking creatine.
until further studies are conducted about health risks and safety.