stated that hackers are people who view and use computers as objects of exploration and exploitation(p. 457). .
What is the social Problem? .
Computer crime is the official name given to this criminal phenomenon driven by hackers. Although a solid definition of computer.
crime has yet to be agreed upon by scholars, it is described in a functional manner encompassing old crimes such as forgery, theft,.
mischief, fraud, manipulation or altering of documents; all of which are usually subject to criminal sanctions everywhere ("Electronic.
Crime"). Also included in the description or computer crime is the unauthorized invasion or trespass of data base systems of private.
companies or government agencies. According to Schamalleger (1999) computer crime is also described as any violation of a federal.
or state computer crime statue. Colorado State statue defines computer crime as, .
(1) Any person who knowingly uses any computer, computer system, computer network, or any part thereof for the purpose of.
devising or executing any scheme or artifice to defraud; obtain money, property, or services by means of false or fraudulent.
pretenses, representations or promises; using property or services of another without authorization; or committing theft commits.
computer crime. .
(2) Any person who knowingly and without authorization uses, alters, damages, or destroys any computer, computer system, or.
computer network described in section 18-5.5-101 or any computer software program documentation, or data contained in such.
computer, computer system or computer network commits computer crime (Schmalleger, 1999, p. 486). .
Bloombecker (1986) suggested he history of computer crime and hacking started in the late 1950's when AT&T first implemented its.
interstate phone system and direct distance dialing (DDD)(p. 450). Manipulation of the way that the DDD system worked, in order to.
make free long distance calling, was the objective of this crime.