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Clothes Make the Man: A Discussion of Symbolism in Clothing

Satanism (for a true Goth) is in no way associated with the Christian god of the Underworld, and is instead based on the teachings of LaVey, who said that wisdom, continual learning to improve that wisdom, and self above all else were the most important things in life. While not everyone agrees with these ideas, the same can be said for all religions, and there is no mention of any cultural taboos such as mass murder, rape, robbery, or anything illegal whatsoever.
             Our next subculture is actually two: Punk and Ska are two radically different cultures, and yet there is a lot that they both have in common. It may even be said that Punk can be subdivided again into regular Punks and a special subset known as "Nazi punks." These Nazi punks are nothing more than skin-headed KKK members who happen to have better grammatical skills and don't wear white robes. Therefore, I will not talk about them anymore. As for Punks and Ska-heads, peace is the overall goal. The variance occurs where punks understand that peace without an outlet for violence is impossible, and Ska-heads do not. (This is to say that Punks will participate in a mosh pit while a Ska-head would quietly dance instead.) The punk subculture typically wears second-hand clothing modified with pins, patches, zippers, and still more spikes, studs, safety-pins, and other metal bits and pieces. This is because when the Punk subculture originated in the late 1970's, it's first members were bands who had no money, were not sponsored by a major record company, and therefore could only afford second-hand clothes. The plethora of accessories that punks have to choose from exists only for the punk himself to enjoy. Usually patches will be symbols of a particular band, or a picture that quickly and easily represents an idea that the punk agrees with. An example is a picture of a swastika with a red circle and bar (like those seen on "No Smoking" signs) over it.

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