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Clockwork Orange

A Clockwork orange is filled with a lot of hidden meaning and satire, which is what I'm going to discuss in this .
             essay. The movie itself doesn't mention when or where this took place. But since it was shot in London during 1960, much of the culture of that time is shown throughout the movie. As I stated earlier the movie starts out by showing four young men dressed all the same, sitting in a milk bar. The milk bar sounds harmless but the "milk" they sold at this bar was laced with drugs that helped them in what they were planning to do: beat, rape and murder.for what they were planning to do: beat, kill and rape. After they leave the .
             milk bar, their first victim is a drunk homeless man. This is where Kubrick showed his audience why they were beating people for apparently no reason. Just before they beat the old man to death, he complained that there was no law or order anymore. And that everyone was in space " circling around the earth and living on the moon- This gives the simple reason that these four young gentlemen were beating people simply because they could.Alex is the leader of their clan. But along the way his other three "droogs" grow tired of his ways. So they betray Alex by knocking him out and leaving him for the police. Alex gets the blame for the murder that they just committed and is sent to jail. Alex is very smart though, and wants to get out as fast as he can so he can continue with his obsession with killing. While in prison Alex hears about a kind of treatment " that gets you out quick." Out of a very slim chance, Alex is signed up for this treatment. It is explained to him that the treatment is still under development and the scientists don't know how successful it will be. But Alex's need to get out of jail is to great and he doesn't even hesitate to sign .
             up. What Alex doesn't know is that the treatment will ruin him. Even though the treatment is altogether successful, Alex now lacks choice between good and evil.

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