When most people think of the movie, "Cinderella", they think of the .
animated Disney version with the little mice and the happy ending where .
Cinderella marries the prince and they live happily ever after. While the .
movie "Ever After" is based on "Cinderella", it is not animated, but still .
has many of the same characteristics as the Disney version. Of course it is .
not exactly the same, and since it is not animated there are many .
differences. In "Ever After", Drew Barrymore portrays the character .
Cinderella, who in the beginning of this movie is called Danielle. In the .
very beginning, it shows how Danielle's father died and how she went off to .
live with her wicked stepmother and stepsisters. In "Cinderella", both of .
the stepsisters are wicked, but in "Ever After", her sister Jacqueline is .
not so wicked and usually sides with Danielle. In "Ever After", Jacqueline .
is the not so pretty and quiet sister and Marguerite is the loud obnoxious .
pretty one. One similarity is that in both movies, Cinderella and Danielle .
are servants to their stepmother and stepsisters. They are also not allowed .
to eat with them, only serve them. In "Ever After", Danielle's only friends .
are the other servants of the house, this is similar to how Cinderella is .
friends with the mice that live in her house. In both cases their friends .
are always protective and willing to help. In "Cinderella", Cinderella .
doesn't meet the prince before the ball, she doesn't even really expect to .
be going to the ball. In "Ever After", Danielle meets the prince in a .
confrontation where the prince was actually stealing one of their horses. .
Danielle starts pegging him with apples, but just as she realizes that he is .
the prince, she kneels down before him. She apologizes, but the prince is .
lenient and says he will not punish her. He also gives her money to keep .
quiet about the whole situation. In "Ever After", Danielle repeatedly bumps .
into the prince.