successful and China has proven that they were only panaceas for the real.
issue. Materialistic approaches could not shadow the issue of the view in.
Chinese society of the role of women. In the struggle for equality, China.
did not go to the women to find what they believed to be the most effective.
answer to the issue. The paternalistic powers gave women what they thought.
they needed for an equalizer, not understanding the need for.
self-affirmation and independence. .
The issue the women rallied under was that men were answering the "woman.
question". Women's organizations were not allowed their voice, which became.
an ironic and frustrating endorsement to the pathetic state of women in.
China. .
The One-Family, One-Child policy launched in 1979 has turned reproduction.
into an area of direct state intervention. The new regime under Deng made.
the neo-Malthusian observation that the economic gains from reform were.
barely sufficient to accommodate a population of one billion, given the.
natural population growth rate of 1.26 percent, much less provide a base.
for advanced industrial development. The One-Family, One-Child campaigns.
have therefore targeted women to limit their childbearing as a "patriotic.
The family planning policy is implemented by local units of the W.F.,.
barefoot doctors and health workers who are mainly women. Each family is.
visited individually by members of the local family planning committee.
After the first child, women are awarded a one-child certificate that.
entitles them to a number of privileges. Standard regulations concerning.
the type of birth control method employed require IUDs after one child,.
sterilization after the second one and abortion for unapproved pregnancies.
The policy rests on a coercive system of sanctions and rewards. Economic.
sanctions include: payment of an "excess child levy" as compensation to the.
state for the cost of another child to the country; reduction in the.