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             The conflict created when the will of an individual opposes the will of the.
             majority if the recurring theme of many novels, plays, and essays. Yossarian is a.
             fictional character in the novel Catch-22 that is in opposition to his society. The main.
             conflict is between Yossarian and the head authority figures. Yossarian does not want to.
             die in a war that is meaningless to him. His instincts for self-preservation override his.
             moral duty to his country and the orders given by Colonel Cathcart and the other.
             commanding officers. .
             Yossarian did not give a damn whether he hit the target or not. His main concern.
             was to drop his bombs then get the hell out of there. His chances of being killed were.
             much greater when he tried to hit the target, so he did not try. He left it up to the other.
             pilots to actually hit the target which upset the commanding officers because it did not.
             create a nice bomb pattern, not because it endangered the lives of other men. And to.
             some degree, it probably upset the men as well because they were actually trying to drop.
             there bombs on target while Yossarian was already on his way home. .
             "Open your eyes Clevenger. It doesn't make a damn bit of difference who wins.
             the war to someone who's dead. Again, Yossarian's instincts for self preservation a very.
             clear. He said this to Clevenger after he moved the bomb line during their mission to.
             Bologna. Yossarian did not believe that it was his job to get killed trying to bomb some.
             ammunition dumps. Yossarian was angry because Colonel Cathcart had volunteered.
             them to go even though it would get them killed. Yossarian thinks that it is more.
             important to stay alive than it is to win the war because what good is it to win if you are.
             six feet under or blown to bits.
             "Let's kill Colonel Cathcart." Yossarian said this to Dobbs after he heard.
             a rumor about another mission to Bologna. Yossarian was tired of Cathcart raising the.
             number of missions every time Yossarian was almost finished with the last mission.

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