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Capital Punishment

             abolishing capital punishment. capital punishment is a luxury that is simply unaffordable.
             ~~~~~~~~Some may feel the need for capital punishment because they fear that anything.
             less is not punishment enough, or that a prisoner may be granted parole and recommit a.
             crime. But special consideration must be taken when dealing with the death penalty.
             because it is probably the only criminal sentence that is completely irreversible and.
             irreparable. If an alleged murderer is sentenced to death, executed, and then is proven.
             undoubtedly not guilty, nothing can be done to make up for such an affliction. However,.
             if the same person were given a life sentence, the years that they lost in prison could not.
             be returned to them, but they could still live the remainder of their life, unlike if they.
             were executed. The only way to be certain that innocent people will not be executed by.
             the government is to develop an unerring justice system, but it is impossible to develop a.
             system that is fool-proof. Misinterpretation of evidence, false testimony, mistaken.
             identification, and racial and socioeconomic prejudices are capable of effecting the.
             verdict or sentence (Innocence). These are issues that will not be resolved no matter.
             how seemingly perfect a justice system may seem. A recent investigation shows that,.
             between 1900 and 1991, over 400 people on death row were proven not guilty of the.
             crime for which they were originally given the death sentence (Innocence). The thought.
             of risking even one innocent life is hideous, but the fact that more than 400 innocent.
             people were given the death sentence is intolerable. The death sentence should be put.
             aside until evidence is given as to the infallibility of human reasoning.
             ~~~~~~~~Eradicating the death penalty would also help the U.S. to promote serenity in.
             foreign politics. Many countries have annulled capital punishment, but.
             anti-death-penalty groups are still active in these countries.

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