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Rebuttal to Toni Morrison's Cinderella's Stepsisters

Women are still oppressing other women, only now it is not being done in the household its being done on the killing floor of the professional women's world. She pleads with her listeners to not take part in the abuse of their sisters, although they may have the power to do so, and at times, it may seem like their responsibility to do so. Morrison concludes with this thought provoking statement: "Women's rights is not only an abstraction, a cause; it is also a personal affair. It is not only about "us"; it is also about me and you. Just the two of us". .
             If this were the ideal society there would be no human traits present in it like fear, hate, ambition, or emotion, and by eliminating these elements you eliminate the human part of society, and to me that would not be a very ideal society at all. The human is a very complex and diverse creature and part of being human is emotion. These emotions are the very thing that will make a person write a five thousand page novel to try to explain their prospective on life, or join the military to fight and possibly die for the values and beliefs that their country stands for. These emotions have lead many Christians, Muslims, and Buddist, to gladly lay down their lives for their beliefs. A human without emotion would be like a child that had no laughter, a bird without a song, or a flower without smell or color. Emotion is what separates us from animals and at the same time makes us feel like part of them. A capitalistic society is built on the principals of an animalistic trait, witch is survival of the .
             Gillispie 3.
             fittest, that is how our society operates and has operated for two hundred and twenty seven years, if my memory serves me correctly, and not only our society but almost every successful society in the history of mankind. To me the core meaning of Morrison's speech is asinine; to be so presumptuous as to think that she or any other could change human nature with a few thought-provoking words borders on lunacy.

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