In contemporary Western society, people who alter their appearance in socially provocative ways are typically youths, and because youths are essentially the future of society it is potentially revelatory to examine why so many deliberately choose to separate themselves from the population at large. Does norm-defying ornamentation fulfill some psychological need unmet by contemporary society? Are certain forms of body ornamentation indicative of unhealthy, antisocial, or even evil influences as some .
detractors contend? If these fears or opinions have any basis in reality, should society as .
a whole fear the future? .
Addressing such questions, first and for most the myths must be extinguished. One should first realize that tattoos are not new, nor are they necessarily a frivolous practice. People today take part in body piercing, tattoos, and other forms of ornamentation seeking a new aesthetic for personal expression. Society's standard what for is beautiful is not attainable for most human beings. Body ornamentation provides an attainable alternative to that standard. It can easily be argued that body ornamentation and manipulation are ancient practices among indigenous people internationally and that the resurgence of these practices in modern industrial culture reflects the same psychological purposes, which involve the pursuit of self-esteem, social identity, and spirituality. Other opinions may reflect differently however. Some believe these "new wave" rituals are a reflection of rebellion in the angry youth of America. This paper will discuss examples of tattooing, branding, scarification, body piercing, and other forms of body ornamentation and manipulation; while portraying a dual sided argument.
History .
Body modification has been around since the dawn of man, and has played a major part of Eastern culture and many others, yet it is looked down upon and even considered a form of mutilation by Western civilization.