crews helps facilitate the transporting of people from one place to another. Sabre is a company.
the American uses for its technology. Sabre is a leading provider of technology, distribution, and.
marketing services for the travel industry. American Airlines Sabre Computer Reservation.
System sells over 1.6 million tickets a year to travelers without the use of a travel agent. .
Management of the technology aspect has to keep in mind that a change in technology allows for.
more efficient service. .
American Airlines still has to follow political and legal rules that regulate their business.
behavior. In 1991, the Civil Rights Act was passed. This said that if an employee is sexually.
harassed by anyone at work, then the company and the harasser are liable for damages, fees, and.
back pay. The managers at American need to be fully aware of all aspects of the political and.
legal environment because education is the best prevention against these rules. .
The sociocultural aspect is also another important aspect of the general business.
environment. Sociocultural is defined as the demographic characteristics and general behavior,.
attitudes, and beliefs of people. The American public has a big concern with the safety of flying,.
especially when three planes crashed and everyone aboard lost their life. This is going to be the.
hardest aspect that American Airlines is going to face. Changing peoples beliefs is not an easy.
task. It will take time, but eventually the public will be ready to fly again.
The specific environment has affected American Airlines in a variety of ways. First.
customers had a huge impact on American since the attack. American Airlines established a.
CARE program. This is a customer assistance relief effort program which aids passengers, crew.
members, and their families in a period of an airline disaster by arranging hotel accommodations,.
and providing emergency food and clothing. American Airlines has sent 350 CARE members to.