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Ayn Rand

             There are three main characters that stand out directly, Equality 7-2521,.
             who is characterized as the hero of the novel, International 4-8818, who is.
             equality's best friend, and Liberty 5-3000, noted as Equality's girlfriend. .
             Basically the book is about a strong willed man, Eqaulity, who wants to be a.
             Scholar, but instead is decided to become a street sweeper. During his days as a.
             street sweeper he meets his bestfriend who is called International 4-8818. They.
             discover an underground tunnel, soon to become Equality's night hide away. .
             There he will write down his ideas to perform scientific expieriments. In his.
             special hide away he figures out how he can use electricity to make light. He think.
             his discovery will earn him a job as a Scholar, but instead they get enraged and.
             want to punish him. Equality runs through a window and flees into the forest. As.
             he looks back he realizes that Liberty is not far behind.
             They find an abandoned house from the "unmentionable times" and make.
             the house there own. They read old books that they find and learn how to say the.
             new word "I". They both rename themselves, and Equality, now Prometheus,.
             talks about how he is going to build a new civilization that is based upon ones.
             Ayn Rand's philosophy which is the basis of her novels is objectivism.
             Objectivism is a complete, systematic, integrated system of thought. It offers the.
             individual a rational philosophy for living on earth, by achieveing the best within.
             you. It offers a radical alternative to the ideas which dominate today's culture and.
             universities. Objectivism challenges 2,000 years of thought, and provides the.
             basis for a new Renaissance (Peikoff p. 1). .
             Anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of philosophy, history,.
             politics and contemporary culture must become familiar with Objectivism.
             Knowing who Ayn Rand was and what Objectivism is are becoming part of what.
             it means to be culturally literate in America.

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