The group representing the majority of the population will be purchasing fewer vehicles, therefore auto companies must use caution when marketing and manufacturing for this age group. This is not to say that auto manufactures would be wise to ignore this rapidly growing age segment, but they shouldn't mass-produce for them either. .
Opportunity .
Over the past three decades the role women play in our society has seen a drastic change. More than 65% of the women in our nation now work outside the home. With this number increasing, the traditional family where men go to work and women stay at home is now being abolished. With men and women now going to work, and in many cases both commuting by car, women now have a greater interest and are purchasing more vehicles. One of our survey questions was directed to find out what percentage of married couples has both spouses working outside the home, See Appendix C. The response was an overwhelming 80% of couples both work outside the home, with 70% of these people commuting to work in separate vehicles (Refer to Appendices B and C). This shows that in our modern day more women have their own vehicles and therefore have an important say in which vehicles are purchased. All auto manufacturers can reap great benefits from this changing trend, simply by directing a portion of their advertising dollar towards females. When entering the Honda Canada website it is clear that they are one of the many auto manufacturers that have already adapted to the female market. A simple example is shown on the homepage where there is a large picture of a woman and her child, in some ways portraying the image that their cars are for men as well as women. .
Threat .
Value consciousness is the concern for obtaining the best quality, features and performance of a product or service for a given price. Today, as well as in the future, this is what will drive consumption behaviour.