The answer would be to become bulimic. Every night she would eat with her family, then quickly go to the bathroom to vomit everything she had consumed. Being able to bring everything up that she ate allowed her to binge at parties when she saw all the fabulous foods, because she knew she could just get rid of it later that night. .
Melissa's body was becoming nothing but a pile of bones. She was always cold, dizzy, had a headache, her knuckles and fingers started to look bruised, and she basically felt ill as if she had the flu. One morning Melissa was so weak she could not get out of bed, so her mother brought her to a doctor. The doctor noticed that she lost a large amount of weight, had low blood pressure, and a very slow heart rate. He knew Melissa was not eating. The first step in her recovery was to admit she had a problem, which was not easy. .
When my family heard about Melissa's problem we drove to down to Long Island (where Melissa's family lives) to visit her. Her face was nothing but skin and bones. I was horrified for her! My parents told me that since Melissa was under age, her mother could have forced her to go to a treatment center, but luckily she finally admitted her problem. .
Melissa's parents made an appointment with a licensed professional counselor. This professional provided individual counseling and psychotherapy for the issues related to her eating disorders (depression, anxiety, low self-esteem). She also explained to Melissa's parents that they could not force her to eat, but just had to work with her to get her to eat on her own. .
Now let's analyze Melissa's life. Due to the problems she faced, she decided to allow Anorexia Nervosa enter her life. This is an eating disorder where a person decides to starve themselves, and is usually caused by internal conflicts such as stress, anxiety, unhappiness, low self esteem, or the person can just be sensitive about being perceived as fat.