The literature shows that advanced surgical techniques (cardiac surgery and organ transplants to name but two of the more recent an!.
d glamorous, which will in their time move to the classification of routine), the control and management of hemorrhagic shock, the development and use of nuclear medicine, and even the conquest of space would not have been possible under concepts of research different from those that have evolved from centuries of efforts using animals as the basis for experimentation and observation." (46).
The central role of animal experiments is the discovery and development of .
immunizations against a wide spectrum of diseases has been highlighted frequently. Some of the most noteworthy landmarks in the history of preventive medicine can be included here, such as vaccines or antioxins to combat rabies, cholera, diphtheria, tetanus, pneumaonia, polio measles, and viral hepatitis. Diphtheria, also known as yellow fever, killed thousands. If it wasn't for animal testing we would have fell victim to even more deaths. We really need to thank animal researchers for developing cures for these diseases that we don't have to worry about dying from (Miller 26).
Moreover, while animal testing improves or advances the life of human beings, animal testing also benefits animals as well. If you think about the concept of animal testing you will realize that everything learned for the benefit of man through animal experimentation is of the same benefit to animals. As the ICLA Governing Board of Cairo states:.
"General medical research has provided the basis for important improvements in the care, feeding and protection from infection of domestic animals. It is also significant that a large proportion of the medicaments, procedures and materials used in human medicine form the basis for, or are identical to those widely used in veterinary medicine. Laboratory animal technology, which has done much to advance the health of experimental animals, particularly when allied to statistical analysis, also has led to significant reductions in the numbers of animals used.