More experiments the researcher does the stronger his/her experiments (Hoagland 111). .
Fifthly, one can use animals for critical experiments. This means experiments which it would be unethical to perform on people. There would probably be absolutely no human volunteers (Hoagland 111). .
The sixth reason is that one can use animals as models for human systems and their responses. Humans are animals, in a sense. If something works in animal testing, there is a good chance that is may work in humans (Hoagland 111).
In sum, animals resembled humans to varying degrees according to species and in relation to the system or type of reaction under investigation. Many animal diseases are closely related or identical to their human counterparts. Researchers can also set up a situation for testing some reaction where the immediate cause, relevant influences, and irrelevant or extraneous factor can be strictly controlled (Camroe 4).
Some people may say, "Well what has animal based research accomplished or, is testing on animals worth risking the lives?" Frank Kendig stated in a speech:.
"In pharmacology there can be little doubt that the traditional and basic procedure of animal experimentation has been central in the development of drugs used in the treatment of diseases of known etiology - drugs such as antibiotics, antiparasitics, antiallergenics, and others. It has also led to the development and validation of drugs useful in the treatment of diseases of unknown etiology - drugs such as antiinflammatories, pain relievers, and drugs for nonspecific disorders such as heart and renal diseases. The whole field of nutrition has its foundation firmly rooted in animal experimentation, which has led to the discovery of diet essentials [such as all the known vitamins], the understanding of deficiency diseases, the interrelationship of diet and cardiovascular disease, and such recent mass programs of disease prevention as fluoridation.