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Waiting for the Rain

After his contribution to the service, he would be able to focus on his true passion, the farm. .
             Peace and order began to dwindle, as the tension increased among black communities. They finally realized the injustices of the policy of apartheid. The black people began by revolting against the inferiority of the education available (and costly) to them. Riots began to break out in the township in which Tengo was living and attending school. Students began to boycott class and participate in violent demonstrations. Focused and determined, he tried to remain grounded with his studies, to ensure that he would not have to encounter the life his parents resided. As his school remained closed for over a year, Tengo was eventually persuaded by the intense surrounding pressure, and joined the movement. As the country began to feel threaten by actions, they began to act as well. Special police and military servants were brought into the town in order to control the destructions.
             One day, in Tengo's township, a enraged riot outbroke. Police units were called to bring about control over the rallying during an illegal gathering. Frikkie was stationed with one of the departments on duty. As Tengo gathered amongst the protestors to see the chaos, he found himself in trouble. He ending up being the hot pursuit of one of the heated headmen. Knowing the area well, he raced to the outskirts of town, and hid in a disserted barn. Not being deceived, the military soldier found him hiding. Astounded, the two boys stood face to face. Hesitant, the were deranged on what their next move would be. Tengo broke the silence with an uproar of hostility, he uttered his displeasure about life and how change was on the way. However, Frikkie did not respond, as you would think, being a soldier and all. He rooted this unlikely occurrence as an act of fate. Even though there was unmeasurable pain, their friendship would overcome.

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